Surendra Reddy Kancharla

Year of Ph.D. - 2019
Thesis title: Vehicle Routing Problems in Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: Model Formulations and Solution Algorithms
Gitakrishnan Ramadurai
Year of Ph.D. - 2019
Thesis title: Vehicle Routing Problems in Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: Model Formulations and Solution Algorithms
Satish Venkata Siva Ukkusuri
Year of Ph.D. - 2009
Thesis title: Novel dynamic user equilibrium models: Analytical formulations, multi-dimensional choice, and an efficient algorithm
Steven Travis Waller
Year of Ph.D. - 2005
Thesis title: Accounting for Uncertainty, Robustness and Online Information in Transportation Networks
Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos
Year of Ph.D. - 2002
Thesis title: Optimization and Control of Stochastic Dynamic Transportation Systems: Formulations, Solution Methodologies, and Computational Experience
Hani Mahmassani
Year of Ph.D. - 1994
Thesis title: Optimum Path Algorithms on Multidimensional Networks: Analysis, Design, Implementation and Computational Experience
Yosef Sheffi
Year of Ph.D. - 1982
Thesis title: Methodological Aspects of a Decision Aid for Transportation Choices Under Uncertainty
Carlos Daganzo
Year of Ph.D. - 1978
Thesis title: Transportation Networks Equilibration with Discrete Choice Models
D. E. Cleveland
Year of Ph.D. - 1975
Thesis title: Two-Lane Road Traffic: A Stochastic Model
Charles Jack Keese
Year of Ph.D. - 1962
Thesis title: A Study of Highway Traffic Assignment
© Surendra Reddy Kancharla